IRAS 18059-3211

Gomez's Hamburger

RA (J2000)
DEC (J2000)
Spec Type
R band (mag)
Distance (pc)
Disk Major Axis "
Disk Diameter (AU)
Inclination (degrees)
Major axis PA
Resolution elements across
At ref. wavelength (microns)
# References
18 09 13.43-32 10 48.0PPNA013.610005.5550090-5Ruiz et al. 198768.80.556


Large edge-on disk,
Spectral Type Reference: Ruiz et al. 1987


Very Large Telescope observations of Gomez’s Hamburger: Insights into a young protoplanet candidate

O. Berné, A. Fuente, E. Pantin et al. 2015 A.&A. 578 L8

Imaging in 8.6 and 11.2 um PAH lines. Cold companion ?

What can we learn about protoplanetary disks from analysis of mid-infrared carbonaceous dust emission?

Berne, O., Joblin, C., Fuente, A., Menard, F., 2009, A&A, 495, 827

4 other objects in this reference

The physical conditions in Gomez's Hamburger (IRAS 18059-3211), a pre-MS rotating disk

Bujarrabal, V., Young, K., and Castro-Carrizo, A. 2009 A.&A. 500 1077

Gomez's Hamburger (IRAS 18059-3211): a pre main-sequence A-type star

Bujarrabal, V., Young, K., Fong, D., 2008, A&A, 483, 839

Emission from Very Small Grains and PAH Molecules in Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer Codes: Application to the Edge-On Disk of Gomez's Hamburger

Wood, K., Whitney, B. A., Robitaille, T., Draine, B. T., 2008, ApJ, 688, 1118

IRAS 18059-3211: Optically known as Gomez's Hamburger

*Ruiz, M.T., Blanco, V., Maza, J., Heathcote, S., Phillips, A., Kawara, K., Anguita, C., et al. 1987, ApJ, 316, L21

UBVRI photometry on resolved object

HST image of the extended disk around IRAs 18059-3211