IRAS 04158+2805
RA (J2000) | DEC (J2000) | Category | Spec Type | R band (mag) | Distance (pc) | Disk Major Axis " | Disk Diameter (AU) | Inclination (degrees) | Major axis PA | Reference | Resolution elements across | At ref. wavelength (microns) | # References |
04 18 58.14 | +28 12 23.3 | TT | M3 | 18.5 | 140 | 8 | 1120 | 62 | 88 | Andrews, S.M., & Williams, J.P., 2007, ApJ, 659, 705 | 12.3 | 2.2 | 7 |
Observations of edge-on protoplanetary disks with ALMA I. Results from continuum data
Villenave, M., Menard, F., Dent, W.R.F., et al. 2020, A.&A., 642, A164.
ALMA band 7 & 4 imaging, central binary & circumbinary disk

The Taurus Spitzer Survey: New Candidate Taurus Members Selected Using Sensitive Mid-Infrared Photometry
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Multiwavelength studies of the gas and dust disc of IRAS 04158+2805
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Groundbased imaging
Submillimeter Observations of the Young Low-Mass Object IRAS 04158+2805
Andrews, S.M., Liu, M.C., Williams, J.P., Allers, K.N., 2008, ApJ, 685, 1039
Spitzer IRS Spectra and Envelope Models of Class I Protostars in Taurus
Furlan, E., McClure, M., Calvet, N., Hartmann, L., D'Alessio, P., Forrest, W. J., Watson, D. M., Uchida, K. I., Sargent, B., Green, J. D., Herter, T. L., 2008, ApJ, 176, 184
High-Resolution submillimeter constraints on circumstellar disk structure
Andrews, S.M., & Williams, J.P., 2007, ApJ, 659, 705
Investigating the Nature of Variable Class I and Flat-Spectrum Protostars Using 2-4 micron Spectroscopy
Beck, T.L., 2007, AJ, 133, 1673