HD 188228
eps Pav
RA (J2000) | DEC (J2000) | Category | Spec Type | R band (mag) | Distance (pc) | Disk Major Axis " | Disk Diameter (AU) | Inclination (degrees) | Major axis PA | Reference | Resolution elements across | At ref. wavelength (microns) | # References |
20 00 35.56 | -72 54 37.8 | Debris | A0 | 3.96 | 32.2 | 6.48 | 209 | 49 | −4.1 | Booth et al. 2013 | 1.6 | 70 | 3 |
An unbiased study of debris discs around A-type stars with Herschel
Thureau, N. D. et al. 2014, MNRAS, 445, 2558
Disk Radii and Grain Sizes in Herschel-resolved Debris Disks
Pawellek, N., et al. 2014, ApJ, 792, 19
Resolved debris discs around A stars in the Herschel DEBRIS survey
*Booth, M. et al. 2013 M.N.R.A.S. 428 1263
Herschel 70 micron